2019: De favoriete releases van Hunter Complex

Het is december, de laatste maand van het jaar. Nog even en 2020 gaat beginnen. Een mooi tijdstip om terug te kijken op een schitterend jaar vol gave nieuwe synthwave releases. In deze special komen de favoriete releases voorbij van verschillende artiesten. We gaan verder met Hunter Complex, producer van het internationale meesterwerk Open Sea.

It´s December, the last month of the year. In a bit, 2020 will begin. A great time to look back on a wonderful year full of cool new synthwave releases. In this item we talk about the favorite 2019 releases of different artists. We go further with Hunter Complex, producer of the international masterpiece Open Sea.

Hunter Complex


Cory Kilduff - When It All Gets To Be Too Much (Burning Witches Records)
I try to buy everything Burning Witches Records put out. The Kent-based label focuses on synth music, but they tend to look around the edges and have a more broad perspective. The music they release ranges from macho synth bangers by Deadly Avenger to more melancholic, subtle stuff like this beautiful release by Cory Kilduff from Dallas, Texas. Bonus points for putting Molly Ringwald on the cover. Evening by Galactic Protector is another highlight Burning Witches released this year. That one is more cosmic.

Joel Grind - Echoes In A Crystal Tomb (Death Waltz Originals)
Joel Grind is an interesting fella. He sings and plays guitar in the metal band Toxic Holocaust and produces a lot of heavy stuff too. Under his own name he releases music that is very Jean-Michel Jarre. It's not dark at all. Highlight on this album is the track Dawn Of Mystical Enlightenment, which has very beautiful digital synths. A shout out to Justin Miller aka Haunt Love for the incredible artwork.

Don Slepian - Sea of Bliss (Numero Group): REISSUE
I came across Don Slepian through a compilation released in 2015 by Vinyl-on-demand of tapes he released between 1978 and 1982. Really intriguing music that lead me to his tapes New Dawn and Sea of Bliss on Spotify. Gorgeous, warm, spacy, new age music that is perfect for falling asleep to, but it also has lots of details and intertwining melodies, so it's not just background music. Thankfully the Chicago-based Numero Group-label found out about Don too and re-released his masterpiece Sea of Bliss, originally recorded in 1980, on vinyl.

Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein - Butterfly (Invada): SOUNDTRACK
Ofcourse we know Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein for their Stranger Things soundtracks. Those are all really good, but on the soundtrack for the Hulu drama series Butterfly they go a little deeper and a little less retro. They show that synths don't particularly belong to the 80´s, like guitars don't belong to the 60´s. That's what I try to do with my music as well. It's music that only could have been released at this point in time.


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