Interview met Fernando Rodrigues van Kolibri Game Studio

Een paar weken geleden schreef ik een recensie over de game Biolab Wars. Een heerlijke 2D-platformer in 8-bit stijl met chiptune muziek op de achtergrond. Nieuwsgierig als ik was naar de ontwikkeling van deze game zocht ik contact op met Fernando Rodrigues, programmeur en mede-oprichter van gamestudio Kolibri Game Studio, uit Braziliƫ. Resultaat, een heel leuk interview! Ontzettend bedankt Fernando voor je bijdrage en ik kijk uit naar nieuwe games van je studio.

A few weeks ago I wrote a review about Biolab Wars. A wonderful 2D-platformer in 8-bit style with chiptune music in the background. Curious as I was about the development of this game, I contacted Fernando Rodrigues, programmer and co-founder of game company Kolibri Game Studio, from Brazil. Result, a very nice interview! Thank you so much Fernando for your contribution and I look forward to play new games from your studio.

Interview met Fernando Rodrigues van Kolibri Game Studio

Fernando, talking about your game ¨Biolab Wars¨ which I love very much to play on the Nintendo Switch. How was it to work on this game?
It was very satisfying! It was good to put all those ideas together and solve many many issues with gameplay until we find the balance between difficulty and fun. Despite the classic mechanics, it took a lot of work to make sure the gameplay was consistent, bug-free and with precise controls. One of the things that took us the most time and work was level design. In this first game we chose to keep things simple. In the next game we will use the acquired experience to create content with a higher level of complexity.

Fernando Rodrigues van Kolibri Game Studio

What are the reactions from the gamers?
To our surprise, the game was well received. As this was our first game released for the Nintendo Switch, we didn't know exactly what to expect. We have received a lot of valuable feedback from players and we are using this information to improve aspects for our next game.

I really like the chiptune soundtrack on the background. Can you tell us more about the music from the game?
We outsourced the music tracks to an experienced sound producer. He's a gamer too and because of that, he has many great ideas and references. Basically we showed him the game and sent him some references. After a month or so he showed us the tracks presented in the game and we loved them all! It was love at first sight!

What can you tell us about your company Kolibri Game Studio?
In June 2016, I started learning Unity. A few months later (October, I think), I released the first Kolibri Studio game on Google Play called Escape!. The game is a 2D-platformer with classic mechanics like N ++ (much simpler, ofcourse). The game was made entirely with free assets. In November 2016, I released the second game on Google Play. It's called Missile Escape, once again made with free assets. Then I saw the need to have an artist on the team and I invited my friend Abdel, who is a great artist, to join the company. From that moment on, we launched three more games on Google Play and in mid-2019 we decided to release our first Steam game, Biolab Wars, and changed the company name to Kolibri Game Studio. So the company is made up of me and Abdel and the sounds are outsourced to an experienced sound producer.

Which games from the past do you like to play?
I love to play classic platformers from the SEGA Mega Drive and the Nintendo Entertainment System, but FPS like Doom and Duke Nuken are on my list of favorites too. It's easy to see that Biolab Wars has a lot of influence from NES games, specially on the art style, color palletes, etc..

Can you give us a sneak preview on what you are working on right now?
We are working on another 2D-platformer with pixelated graphics, this time with a Halloween theme. We plan to include a level with different mechanics at each stage, as we do at Biolab Wars in stage 02, but this time with more variations. Maybe a shmup or a race level. There's not much defined at this time.

Are you familiar with synthwave music? If yes, which artists do your like?
Never heard about synthwave.

And finally, any last words to the readers?
First of all, I would like to say that making games is like a dream coming true. We want to thank everyone who plays Biolab Wars and support us on social media, giving us valuable feedback about the game. Stay tuned for future releases!

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